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Auto Insurance Options When You Are Not Driving

15 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Although both those who are driving and those who aren't driving can benefit from auto insurance coverage, there should be a difference between these two groups of people. For example, you should consider the following measures if you won't be driving for some time. Reduce Your Coverage If you won't be driving for some time, one of the best options you can take to save money on insurance is to reduce your coverage. Read More …

Shopping For Homeowners Insurance? What Factors You Should Consider Aside From Price

16 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is selecting your homeowner's insurance policy based on price alone. While your budget may affect which company you select, price is not the only factor that you need to consider. Here are a few of the factors you need to consider when you are shopping for a homeowner's insurance and why these factors are so important.  The Deductible When you are shopping for any type of insurance policy, including homeowner's insurance, always take the time to carefully review how much the deductible is for the policy you are looking at. Read More …