creative ways to reduce auto insurance premiums

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The Reality of Three Auto Insurance Myths

23 January 2016
 Categories: , Articles

While auto insurance is a normal part of life for most Americans who drive, it's likely the least understood product on the market. Taking time to learn as much as you can about auto insurance may help you save money and avoid making mistakes that might affect your coverage. To start you off, here's the truth behind three auto insurance myths. You Must Insure an Inactive Vehicle Possibly the most common auto insurance myth is that you are required to have insurance on a vehicle you are not driving. Read More …

3 Effective Ways To Lower Your Insurance Rates

24 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Are you struggling to pay for your car insurance? If your monthly rates are too high and you have been thinking about removing some of your coverage to help lower the costs of your policy then you may want to reconsider. There are great alternatives to adjusting the cost of your car insurance policy, even without having to lose any of your critical and needed insurance coverage. So, when seeking opportunities to cut the rates of your car insurance consider the following: Read More …